Administrator’s guide to planning an exceptional closure of your phone system from Studio, Ubity’s online management portal.
1 Log into the Ubity web interface
Username: your e-mail address
To obtain a password, you must request one on the interface (click on Recover your password) because Ubity does not have access to them for security reasons.
2 Use your regular closed message
You wish for your phone system to be in closed mode using your regular closed message.
In this case, you can configure the exceptional closures for your holiday periods by following the instructions provided in section 5 of this guide.
Important! Before leaving for the holiday, it is important that you take the time to test and see if the proper message is playing when you dial your company’s main number.
3 Use a different message when you already have its activation code
If you already have a code to record the temporary message, you may do so when you are ready. Make sure to follow the instructions provided when it was set up for you.
Please note that most of the time you need to add an exceptional closure, by following the instructions provided in section 5 of this guide, as the activation code applies only in closed behaviour.
Important! Before leaving for the holiday, it is important that you take the time to test and see if the proper message is playing when you dial your company’s main number.
4 Use a different message when you do not have an activation code
You wish for your telephone system to be in closed mode using a different message than that played during your regular closed hours, and you do not have a code to record your temporary message.
If this is the case, please send an email to our customer service ( so that they can provide you with the appropriate codes. You will also be provided a code to activate and deactivate the temporary closed message. All you have to do is dial it when you leave the office (the day your holiday begins) and redial it when you return.
Once these codes received, you can configure the exceptional closures for your holiday periods by following the instructions provided in the 004 — Guide for changing your numbers’ behaviour.
Attention! Before a Holiday period, additional delays may apply considering the many requests sent to our customer service. Please send your requests as early as possible for your requests to be processed on time.
5 Plan an exceptional closure
For more information or detailed instructions on changing your numbers’ behaviour, see 004 — Guide for changing your numbers’ behaviour.
Note: You can make as many changes as you like and add as many exceptions as needed.
Warning: Exceptions are not related to the year. For example, if you set an exception for October 10th, it will be repeated on October 10th of the following year. You must therefore check this page regularly.
Important! Before leaving for the holiday, it is important that you take the time to test and see if the proper message is playing when you dial your company’s main number.